Saturday, October 25, 2008


picture of model

This was the largest scale that ( I believe most of the class) have ever built model this large at. At this scale you cannot really fudge details and great care must be taken because every mistake is pretty obvious because of the scale. Making the model was fun, the process took a while for me in particular because I had decided not to use the laser cutter. I wish I had known it would have taken as long as it did then I would have planned ahead more and had more time to work on the images. It was all part of the learning process next time instead of assuming that building a model will take twice as much time as expected, I will assume it will take triple.


The only regret about the semester I have was not having had the time to further explore the relationship between the column and the courtyard. There just was not enough time, I had to start building the model or I was never going to finish. All in all the semester was one of the most useful semesters in terms of learning presentation techniques, exploring new methods of doing things and learning to "zoom in" taking into account the effects of a project on the large scale.

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