Friday, August 15, 2008

Cloud Jumper...

Since the studio presentation on Tuesday my group and i have began to painstakingly nott-out the design format of our individual buildings, a process that is proving to be considerably more difficult to what i first anticipated....Thankfully to the patient support of my colleges Steve, Phil and Elle, i have been able to progress because of the groups active constructive feedback and suggestions. Initially from this point on i was a little uncertain as to how successful the proceeding design development would be, particularly as individuals now begin to work separately to a concept thats architectural strenght rests in its interlocking cohesion. As a team though each person will design there aspect of the school individually, by maintaining strong links of communication and assistance we have so far been able to preserve our urban concept without limiting our own individual thoughts.....well so far anyway :D

The above image is an example of planning layouts that i am currently exploring in regards to my appointed area for the school of fashion. At this point though they each have evolved from varying thoughts of design and aspiration they are still open to manipulation and refinment. This week when we each begin to construct our schematic models i think that particular elements of our design will further evolve as we bring each element together into a single architectural entity, particularly as unforseen issues such displaced levels, structural member heights and undesired perceptions of view emerge.....Until then good luck everyone!

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